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Robotic Joint Replacement

Dr. V is proud to offer patients "robotic" joint replacement surgery as means to provide safe, accurate and precise joint replacement components.


Robot-assisted surgery is the latest tool and future of orthopedic joint replacement surgery.  It works in conjunction with the surgeon to achieve precise position of the implant based on the patient's unique anatomy.  This added level of accuracy can help improve the function, feel and potential longevity of the joint replacement.

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Conventional Surgery

Conventional joint replacement relies on "jigs" and manual methods to place implants in the appropriate position.  While in the hands of skilled surgeon, most of the time, this means that the implants are placed in an alignment that is near or at the intended target.  However, these systems have a certain level of "error" built into the system.  It is hard to be "perfect" every time.

Why Robotics?

Robotics allows for decreasing the chances that the implants are placed in a "suboptimal" position.  Robots aren't "perfect" but they can decrease the chances that certain less optimal outcomes can occur.  At the end of the day though, the surgeon's skill and understanding of the particular joint replacement procedure and their ability to perform the procedure efficiently and safely is likely to play a larger role on the patients outcome than whether the robot is used or not.  Nonetheless, it is a great tool to make surgery more precise and accurate and therefore, it's usefulness is only in the infancy stages.


The Future

As mentioned earlier, robotics is only in its infancy when it comes to orthopedic surgery.  Before long, robots will be automated and driven by AI making them very much likely to replace humans as the ultimate one performing the surgery.  Humans will still be needed much the way a pilot is needed to plan a flight and fly an airplane when the autopilot is off but with the speed and efficiency of robotics, they will just be "too good" to not let "drive."


In the mean time, we have this wonderful tool at our disposal and will use it for your surgery when appropriate.  


Please contact us for more information at your leisure!



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